Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why eat natural, unprocessed, whole foods? (part 1)

Not long ago people ate food straight from the gardens and pastures in their local areas. Cows grazed in pastures where they were sustained on green grass, transforming it into protein-rich meat. Pigs foraged for natural vegetation. Chickens and birds ate their natural diet of worms and insects, providing their eggs and meat with good nutrients that their systems are able to digest and use efficiently. Plants grew naturally with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
We now rely on big corporations and government to stock the grocery store with food from far away "factory farms". The animals are fed corn and soybeans, which are themselves grown in fertilizer drenched soil and soaked with pesticides, and are often even genetically modified. The digestive systems of these animals can not process and digest these modified "foods" properly. They are then injected with antibiotics and hormones. These practices lead to unhealthy animals who are then producing meat ladened with the antibiotics and hormones as well as containing pesticides from the genetically modified grains they are fed. Fruits and veggies are genetically modified, grown in hot houses, picked before they are ripe, and shipped across the country. Do you know how it was grown or where? Hmmmm.......???? Doesn't sound real healthy to me.....
Michael Pollan, author of, The Omnivore’s Dilemma says it perfectly – “How did we ever get to a point where we need investigative journalism to tell us where our food comes from?”
Nutrients from the food we eat allow us to use calories efficiently and keep our bodies healthy. Your body cannot process synthetic chemicals. If your body can't process a food item, it will end up stored in fat tissue,  hindering your bodies natural ability to keep your body fat percentage in a normal range and creating an acidic pH environment.
Because of the huge chemical overload in our society today, out bodies can't handle the influx and begin to store the chemicals in our bodies fat cells, which as Sherry A. Rogers puts it.... "Stockpiled chemicals stored in our fat don't stay put. They slowly leach out and damage our machinery, producing diseases and accelerated aging." (from "Detoxify Or Die").
By eating natural, unprocessed foods we are helping out bodies to function how they were created and being good stewards of the body God gave us. We are increasing our quality of life and helping our bodies to heal themselves.

Friday, January 8, 2010

***Workout of the day*** 01/09/10

5 Rounds for time (keep up a good pace and do them as fast as you can):
25 sit-ups on a balance ball
12 superman's ( back extensions from a prone position. Lie face down with arms above your head and lift
      your torso off the floor while keeping your legs straight and arms over head.)
Run 400m (about 1/4 mi or 1 lap around a track)

Have fun!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

***Workout of the day*** 01/03/10

These sets are done for time.
Do these as quickly as you can (3+ rounds):
5 PULL-UPS (if you can't quite do pull ups yet, it's no problem. Use the assisted pull-up machine or kneel on a ballance ball    
                    and pull yourself up from your knees (Careful, this can be a little tricky)
10 PUSH-UPS (perform these on your knees if you can't quite do a full push-up yet, don't worry, you will get there!!!)
20 SQUATS (if you have strong legs and need more weight, use a weighted bar on your shoulders, or if you are doing this at
                  home just use somthing heavy around the house that you can hold while you squat) Be creative!!!
REST FOR 2 MINUTES only, between each round.

Harder than it looks if you really do it for time:)