Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Be Aware!


  The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits.


  1. The state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness.
  2. Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.

As I have continued my research of living "Fit", I have become increasingly aware of how much our food and nutrition effect our everyday wellness. It is not only exercise that we need, although that plays an important roll, we will get nowhere if we do not take a close look at what we are eating and why. We have become complacent and ingnorant of the things that we put on our table during meal time, or what we put in our mouths for lack of time to even sit down at the table. Sad, I know.
Through my research and personal experience, I have come to truly believe that if it was a food we had 150 years ago.... then it's probably just fine for you.... but if it doesn't pass that test, I would be very careful about how much you eat. Although this is just the beginning..... what about those foods we had 150 years ago, but now they are picked unripe, transported 1000+ miles, and quickly ripened with chemicals????? Yes, it happens all the time! Much of the produce you buy at the supermarket is handled exactly this way. And now we wonder why we have high rates of cancer, heart disease, diabeties, obesity, allergies, ect... the list goes on and on. We have access to great gyms, lowfat this, lowfat that, but we still struggle with weight and healthy problems more than ever. Ever wonder what is in that burger you just ate? Maybe you have already given up on "fast food".... too unhealthy.... But did you ever consider what is in the meat that you just bought from the freezer section at the store? Have you ever considered that it might come from the same place the meat in the Fast Food hamburger came from? What's in the meat? Chemicals, antibiotics....? What about the cheese or the bun? Where is that wheat grown, how, and what is acutually in the bun to allow it to last through the packaging, transport, and sitting on a shelf waiting to be "your" hamburger bun????
I have been reading books and researching this for a long time, but I just recently watched the film "Food Inc"..... Appauling!!!! I Highly recomend everyone to watch this documentary.... It has actually confermed much of what I have researched and is very real and eye opening!
Don't let our food industry fool you! Be aware. Take the time to research. It may mean the difference of life or death.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eat meat and vegetables,nuts and seeds,some fruit,little starch,and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise, but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: dead lift, clean,squat,presses,C&J,and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups,dips, rope climb,push-ups,sit-ups,presses to hand stand,pirouettes,flips,splits,and holds. Bike,run, swim,row,etc... hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~ Greg Glassman

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sugar and Its Effects on Wellness

Due to health reasons and my bodies, seeming inability, to loose some weight, I cut out all the sugar in my diet a few months ago. It has been an amazing journey, the results are great and I feel awesome. This step into the world of nutrition has opened my eyes to a part of fitness that is many times greatly neglected in our society. Although we try to eat healthy, do we really? Why do we have to work so hard at loosing weight and why is it so easily gained? What is REALLY in the food we eat? Do you really know what is in the pasta sauce that you just put on your food? what about the pasta itself? Maybe it's even "whole wheat".. what does that really mean? The questions go on and on, but many times we fail to ask these questions and just eat "health food" in blind consent. Starting with Sugar... I made my dive into the research of true and whole nutrition.
Sugar in is everything!!! You name it.... bread products, pasta, boxed food, canned food, yogurt, sliced/packaged deli meat, sausages, energy bars, cereal.... the list goes on. Even fruit is high in sugar, although this is natural and better for you.
Start reading ingredient labels.... sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, molasses, sucralose, splenda ....These are mostly refined(all good nutrients taken out) and or chemical sugar replacements.

Also start noticing the amount of sugars in grams, located under the carbohydrates on the nutrition label..... There is a LOT of sugar in our diets that we don't even know about.... Our bodies are accustomed to this and we start to crave sugar.

Check this blog post out. Very informative for getting started.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Getting Started

I'm not sure how to start this or even where this will go, but I do know that I want to share with others my passion for Fitness and Nutrition.
It's a lot of work to try and find different resources on the web and in books, etc... I want to create a place where gal's can come and find applicable info on fitness and nutrition, all in one spot. As our busy hectic lives continue to go faster and faster, it becomes very difficult to find the time to keep our bodies in top condition. So many times we sacrifice our wellness for family, children, spouses, work, friends, and even time alone. All these things are wonderful, but I have come to realize that if I neglect my own fitness, I am no longer serving the people around me and myself to my fullest abilities. Without being selfish and spending hours on yourself, that you don't have, You can keep your body fit, healthy, and feeling ready to take on the world:) Eat well and work hard on proper time management.... you might just find that you can handle the kids better, deal with your boss, be a better spouse, have more energy, and begin to feel alive.
Trying to sort through all the fad diets and new weight loss programs can be a nightmare. I am a firm believer in plain old exercise and eating in moderation.