Tuesday, February 2, 2010

why eat natural, unprocessed, whole foods? (part 2)

I get a lot of people asking why I eat the way I do and why I take the time and effort to do so. Why do I worry about organic chicken, raw milk, free range beef, the list goes on. They wonder if I am just a radical Granola or someone who is afraid of the modern food conveniently offered to us? I would have to say it's neither....
I try and be as health conscious as possible because for me, my health and the health of my family is very important. I believe there needs to be a balance and our bodies can not become idols, but we do have to be responsible with what God has entrusted us with and our body is one of the most valuable things. By caring for our health through natural foods and organic products I feel I can have more energy to serve and minister to my family and the people around me as well as feeling good about myself.
I feel as if most people take food and health at face value. The package says its "fat free" and the medical community is telling us that "low fat" is better.... But, wait.... have we stopped to think about what kind of nutrients are really in that package that says it's "fat free", how did it get on that shelf and why do the doctors say "low fat" is best....
Take Splenda for example.... Just the other day some ladies in the gym locker room were talking about Splenda and how they use it and not sugar because it so much better for you..... (I wanted to yell "Don't do it! They were trying to make yard fertilizer when they created it!"... but I didn't:) The medical community and the media are telling us it's good, but is it really. If you do some research you will see that there has been very little research done on it and no one knows what it really does to the human body, besides the fact that yes indeed it was created by accident when scientist were trying to make yard fertilizer....:( But it made me realize how many people just believe what they are told, without question.
I started questioning and researching..... and what I am finding about our commercialized food industry, even packaged "natural" foods...  is appalling! I have changed my eating because of what I found when I actually asked questions. Yes, it takes more time to research and then possibly end up having to find a new product that is a truly healthy version, or better yet, make it from scratch. Yet, with the knowledge I have now about out food system here in America, I can not rightly fail to provide myself and my family with the unprocessed whole foods, even if it does take me twice as long to prepare. It is all about priorities.... What are your priorities?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I linked over here from Facebook and lo and behold, a kindred spirit :) Nice to read your thoughts. My friend Emily and I have a blog as well that we update from time to time... Last year, we held monthly "Food Group" meetings just to exchange resources and ideas with a good group of friends. It's been great to grown in the understanding of great food and solid nutrition. Keep up the good work!

    -Bethany Rydmark
