Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sugar and Its Effects on Wellness

Due to health reasons and my bodies, seeming inability, to loose some weight, I cut out all the sugar in my diet a few months ago. It has been an amazing journey, the results are great and I feel awesome. This step into the world of nutrition has opened my eyes to a part of fitness that is many times greatly neglected in our society. Although we try to eat healthy, do we really? Why do we have to work so hard at loosing weight and why is it so easily gained? What is REALLY in the food we eat? Do you really know what is in the pasta sauce that you just put on your food? what about the pasta itself? Maybe it's even "whole wheat".. what does that really mean? The questions go on and on, but many times we fail to ask these questions and just eat "health food" in blind consent. Starting with Sugar... I made my dive into the research of true and whole nutrition.
Sugar in is everything!!! You name it.... bread products, pasta, boxed food, canned food, yogurt, sliced/packaged deli meat, sausages, energy bars, cereal.... the list goes on. Even fruit is high in sugar, although this is natural and better for you.
Start reading ingredient labels.... sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, molasses, sucralose, splenda ....These are mostly refined(all good nutrients taken out) and or chemical sugar replacements.

Also start noticing the amount of sugars in grams, located under the carbohydrates on the nutrition label..... There is a LOT of sugar in our diets that we don't even know about.... Our bodies are accustomed to this and we start to crave sugar.

Check this blog post out. Very informative for getting started.

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